Under Review
61.- Guisan, A., Chevalier, M., Adde, A., Zarzo-Arias, A., Goicolea, T., Broennimann, O., Petitpierre, B., Scherrer, D., Rey, P.-L., Collart, F., Riva, F., Steen, B. Mateo, R.G. Spatially-nested hierarchical species distribution models to avoid niche truncation. Journal of Ecology
60.- Goicolea, T., Aroca-Fernández, M. J., García Viñas, J. I., Saura, S., González, S., Mateo, R. G.*, Gastón, A*. A climate-resilient conservation network for ensuring connectivity of Spanish forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography
59.- Goicolea, T., Morales-Barbero, J., García-Viñas, J. I., Gastón, A., Aroca-Fernández, M. J., Calleja, J. A., Moreno, J. C., Ramos-Gutiérrez, I., Rodríguez, M. Á., Lima, H., Broennimann, O., Guisan, A., Adde, A., Pérez-Latorre, A. V., & Mateo, R. G. geoSABINA: a unified plant ecology database for Spain. Scientific Data.
57.- Mateo, R,G., J. Morales-Barbero, A. Zarzo-Arias, H. Lima, V. Gómez Rubio, T. Goicolea. sabinaNSDM: an R package for spatially-nested hierarchical species distribution modeling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Open Access.
55.- López-Tobar, R., R.J. Herrera-Feijoo, F. García-Robredo, R.G. Mateo, B. Torres. Assessing Timber Harvesting and Conservation Status of Forest Species in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 7: 1389852. Open Access.
54.- Goicolea, T., Adde, A., Broennimann, O., García-Viñas, J.I., Gastón, A., José Aroca-Fernández, M., Guisan, A. & Mateo, R.G. Spatially-nested hierarchical species distribution models to overcome niche truncation in national-scale studies. Ecography: e07328. Open Access.
53.- Moudrý, V., Bazzichetto, M., Remelgado, R., Devillers, R., Lenoir, J., Mateo, R.G., Lembrechts, J.J., Sillero, N., Lecours, V., Cord, A.F., Barták, V., Balej, P., Rocchini, D., Torresani, M., Arenas-Castro, S., Man, M., Prajzlerová, D., Gdulová, K., Prošek, J., Marchetto, E., Zarzo-Arias, A., Gábor, L., Leroy, F., Martini, M., Malavasi, M., Cazzolla Gatti, R., Wild, J. & Šímová, P. Optimising occurrence data in species distribution models: sample size, positional uncertainty, and sampling bias matter. Ecography: e07294. Open Access.
52.- López-Tobar, R., R. Herrera-Feijoo, R.G. Mateo, F. García-Robredo, B. Torres. MBotanical Collection Patterns and Conservation Categories of the Most Traded Timber Species from the Ecuadorian Amazon: The Role of Protected Areas. Plants 12: 3327. Open Access.
51.- Herrera-Feijoo, R. J., B. Torres, R. López, C. Tipán-Torres, T. Toulkeridis, M. Heredia-R, R.G. Mateo. Modelling climatically suitable areas for Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) and their shifts across Neotropics: the role of protected areas. Forest Open Access.
50.- Romo, H., E. García-Barros, R.J. Wilson, R.G. Mateo*, M.L. Munguira*. Modelling the scope to conserve an endemic-rich mountain butterfly taxon in a changing climate. Insect Conservation and Diversity. (Co-last authors)
49.- Fajardo, J., J. Lessmann, C. Devenish, E. Bonaccorso, F Rojas-Runjaic, H. Rojas, M. Lentino, Á.M. Felicísimo, J. Muñoz, R.G. Mateo. Effectiveness of protected area networks in representing tropical biodiversity has increased with recent expansions. Scientific Reports 13: 966. Open Access.
48.- Santamarina, S., R.G. Mateo*, E. Alfaro Saiz, C. Acedo. On the importance of invasive species niche dynamics in plant conservation management at large and local scale. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10:1049142. Open Access.
47.- Agudo, A.B., X. Pico, R.G. Mateo, M. Arnald, R. Torices, I. Álvarez. Unravelling plant diversification: intraspecific genetic differentiation in hybridizing Anacyclus species in the western Mediterranean Basin. American Journal of Botany. Open Access.
46.- Carrillo-García, C., L. Girola-Iglesias, M. Guijarro, C. Hernando, J. Madrigal, R.G. Mateo. Ecological niche models applied to post-megafire vegetation restoration in the context of climate change. Science of the Total Environment. 855: 158858. Request PDF.
45.- Mateo, R.G., G Arellano, J.S. Tello, A.F. Fuentes, L. Cayola, I. Loza, V. Cala, M. Macia. Understanding biodiversity drivers to properly predict species richness in tropical forests at the local scale. Ecological Modelling473: 110133. Request PDF.
44.- Chevalier, M., A. Zarzo-Arias, J. Guélat , R.G. Mateo, A. Guisan. Accounting for niche truncation to improve spatial and temporal predictions of species distributions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 944116. Open Access. (Co-last authors)
43.- Hespanhol, H., K. Cezón, J. Muñoz, R.G. Mateo, J. Gonçalves. How vulnerable are bryophytes to climate change? Developing new Species and Community Vulnerability Indices. Ecological Indicators 136: 108643. Open Access.
42.- Goicolea, T., R.G. Mateo, M.J. Aroca-Fernández, A. Gastón, J.I. García-Viñas, M.C. Mateo-Sánchez. Considering plant functional connectivity in landscape conservation and restoration management. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 1591–1608. Open Access.
41.- Mestanza-Ramón, C., R.J. Herrera-Feijoo, C. Chicaiza-Ortiz, I. Domínguez-Gaibor, R.G. Mateo. 2021. Influence of Climate Change on the distribution of Tapirus pinchaque. Sustainability 3: 11486. Open Access.
40.- Moreno-Saiz, J.C., B. Albertos, E. Ruiz-Molero, R.G. Mateo. 2021. The European Union can afford greater ambition in the conservation of its threatened plants. Biological Conservation 261:109231. Open Access.
39.- Yin, M., Z. Shangzhe, X. Du, R.G. Mateo, W. Guo, A. Li, Z. Wang, S. Wu, J. Chen, J. Liu, G. Ren. 2021. Genomic analysis of Medicago ruthenica provides insights into its tolerance to abiotic stress and demographic history. Molecular Ecology Resources 21:1641-1657. Request PDF.
38.- Bello-Rodríguez, V., R.G. Mateo, L. Pellissier, J. Cubas, B. Cooke, J. González-Mancebo. 2021. Forecast increase in invasive rabbit spread into ecosystems of an oceanic island (Tenerife) under climate change. Ecological Applications 31: e02206. Request PDF.
37.- Zanatta, F., R. Engler, F. Collart, O. Broenimann, R.G. Mateo, H. Hofmann, B. Papp, J. Muñoz, Katul, A. Guisan & A. Vanderpoorten. 2020. Modeling range shift of wind-dispersed species under climate change. Nature Communications 11: 5601. Open Access.
36.- Ren, G., R.G. Mateo, E. Conti, and N. Salamin. 2020. Population genetic structure and demographic history of Primula fasciculata in Southwest China. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 11: 986. Open Access.
35.- Mateo, R.G., M.J. Aroca-Fernández, A. Gastón, S. Saura, J.I. García-Viñas. 2019. Looking for an optimal hierarchical approach for ecologically meaningful niche modelling. Ecological Modelling 409: 108735. Request PDF.
34.- Fajardo, J., R.G. Mateo, A.M. Felicísimo, J.L. Fernández-Alonso, B. Enquist, P. Vargas, J. Muñoz. 2019. The role of abiotic mechanisms of long-distance dispersal in the American origin of the Galápagos flora. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1610 – 1620. Request PDF.
33.- Mateo, R.G., A. Gastón, M.J. Aroca-Fernández, O. Broennimann, A. Guisan, S. Saura, J.I. García-Viñas. 2019. Hierarchical species distribution models in support of vegetation conservation at the landscape scale. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 386-396. Request PDF.
32.- Scherrer, D., M. D’Amen, R.F. Fernandes, R.G. Mateo, A. Guisan. 2018. How to best threshold and validate stacked species assemblages? Community optimisation might hold the answer. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 2155-2166. Request PDF.
31.- Ren, G., R.G. Mateo, A. Guisan, E. Conti, and N. Salamin. 2018. Species divergence and maintenance of species cohesion of three closely related Primula species in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Biogeography 45: 2495-2507. Request PDF. It has been recognized as a top 20 most read paper in Journal of Biogeography in 2017-2018.
30.- Mateo, R.G., A. Gastón, M.J. Aroca-Fernández, J.I. García-Viñas, S. Saura. 2018. Optimization of forest sampling strategies for woody plant species distribution modelling at the landscape scale. Forest Ecology and Management 410: 104-113. Request PDF.
29.- D’Amen, M.*, R.G. Mateo* , J. Pottier, W. Thuiller, L. Maiorano, A. Dubuis, L. Pellissier, C. Ndiribe, N. Salamin, A. Guisan. 2018. Improving spatial predictions of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity. Journal of Ecology 106: 76–86. (*Co-first authors). Request PDF.
28.- Mateo, R.G., K. Mokany, A. Guisan. 2017. Biodiversity models: what if unsaturation is the rule? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 556-566. Open Access.
27.- Di Cola, V., O. Broennimann, B. Petitpierre, F. Breiner, M. D’Amen, C. Randin, R. Engler, J. Pottier, D. Pio, A. Dubuis, L. Pellissier, R.G. Mateo, W. Hordijk, N. Salamin, A. Guisan. 2017. ecospat: an R package to support spatial analyses and modelling of species niches and distributions. Ecography 40: 774–787. Request PDF.
26.- Ren, G., R.G. Mateo, T. Suchan, N. Alvarez, A. Guisan, J. Liu, E. Conti, N. Salamin. 2017. Genetic consequences of Quaternary climatic oscillations in the Himalayas: new insights based on RAD sequencing. New Phytologist 213: 1500–1512. Request PDF.
25.- Patiño, J.*, R.G. Mateo*, F. Zanatta, A. Marquet, S. Aranda, P. Borges, G. Dirkse, R. Gabriel, J.M. Gonzalez-Mancebo, A. Guisan, J. Muñoz, S. Ruas, M. Sim-Sim, A. Vanderpoorten. 2016. Climate threat on the Macaronesian endemic bryophyte flora. Scientific Reports 6: 29156 (*Co-first authors). Open Access.
24.- Mateo, R.G., O. Broennimann, S. Normand, B. Petitpierre, M.B. Araújo, J.-C. Svenning, A. Baselga, M. Luoto, F. Fernández, V. Gómez-Rubio, J. Muñoz, G.M. Suarez, B. Laenen, A. Désamoré, A. Guisan, A. Vanderpoorten. 2016. The mossy North: an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient in European bryophytes. Scientific Reports 6: 25546. Open Access.
23.- Hespanhol, H., K. Cezón, Á.M. Felicísimo, J. Muñoz, R.G. Mateo. 2015. How to describe species richness patterns for bryophyte conservation. Ecology and Evolution 5: 5443–5455. Open Access.
22.- Moreno-Amat, E., R.G. Mateo, D. Nieto-Lugilde, N. Morueta-Holme, J.-C. Svenning, I. García-Amorena. 2015. Impact of model complexity on cross-temporal transferability in Maxent species distribution models: An assessment using paleobotanical data. Ecological Modelling 312: 308-317. Request PDF.
21.- Patiño, J., M. Carine, P. Mardulyn, N. Devos, R.G. Mateo, J.M. González-Mancebo, A.J. Shaw, A. Vanderpoorten. 2015. Approximate Bayesian computation reveals the crucial role of oceanic islands for the assembly of continental biodiversity. Systematic biology 64: 579-589. Request PDF.
20.- Mateo, R.G., O. Broennimann, B. Petitpierre, J. Muñoz, J. van Rooy, B. Laenen, A. Guisan, A. Vanderpoorten. 2015. What is the potential of spread in invasive bryophytes? Ecography 38: 480-487. Request PDF.
19.- Varela, S., R.G. Mateo, R. García-Valdés, F. Fernández-González. 2014. Macroecología y ecoinformática: sesgos, errores y predicciones en el modelado de distribuciones. Ecosistemas 23: 46-53. Open Access.
18.- Vanderpoorten, A., R.G. Mateo, M. Sim-Sim, S. Ruas, G.M. Dirkse, R. Gabriel, P.A.V. Borges, J.M. González-Mancebo, S. Calvo, J. Patiño. 2014. The moss Homalothecium mandonii as a model for assessing bryophyte response to climate change in Macaronesia. Silva Lusitana Nº Especial: 1-13.
17.- Mateo, R.G., M. de la Estrella, Á.M. Felicísimo, J. Muñoz, A. Guisan. 2013. A new spin on a compositionalist predictive modelling framework for conservation planning: A tropical case study in Ecuador. Biological Conservation 160: 150-161. Request PDF.
16.- Mateo, R.G., A. Vanderpoorten, J. Muñoz, B. Laenen, A. Désamoré. 2013. Modeling species distributions from heterogeneous data for the biogeographic regionalization of the European bryophyte flora. PLoS ONE 8: e55648. Open Access.
15.- Patiño, J., R. Medina, A. Vanderpoorten, J.M. González-Mancebo, O. Werner, N. Devos, R.G. Mateo, F. Lara, R.M. Ros. 2013. Origin and fate of the single-island endemic moss Orthotrichum handiense. Journal of Biogeography 40: 857-868. Request PDF.
14.- de la Estrella, M., R.G. Mateo, J.J. Wieringa, B. Mackinder, J. Muñoz. 2012. Legume diversity patterns in West Central Africa: influence of species biology on distribution models. PLoS ONE 7: e41526. Open Access.
13.- Désamoré, A., B. Laenen, M. Stech, B. Papp, L. Hedenäs, R.G. Mateo, A. Vanderpoorten. 2012. How do temperate bryophytes face the challenge of a changing environment? Lessons from the past and predictions for the future. Global Change Biology 18: 2915-2924. Request PDF.
12.- Mateo, R.G., Á.M. Felicísimo, J. Pottier, A. Guisan, J. Muñoz. 2012. Do stacked species distribution models reflect altitudinal diversity patterns? PLoS ONE 7: e32586. Open Access.
11.- Mateo, R.G., Á.M. Felícisimo, and J. Muñoz. 2012. Modelos de distribución de especies y su potencialidad como recurso educativo interdisciplinar. Reduca 5: 137-150. Open Access.
10.- Felicísimo, Á.M., J. Muñoz, R.G. Mateo, C. Villalba. 2012. Vulnerabilidad de la flora y vegetación españolas ante el cambio climático. Ecosistemas 21: 1-6. Open Access.
9.- Mateo, R.G., Á.M. Felicísimo, J. Muñoz. 2011. Species distributions models: A synthetic revision. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 84: 217-240. Open Access.
8.- Felicísimo, Á.M., J. Muñoz, C. Villalba, R.G. Mateo. 2011. Impactos del cambio climático sobre la flora española. Conservación Vegetal: 15: 6-10. Request PDF.
7.- Mateo, R.G., Á.M. Felicísimo, J. Muñoz. 2010. Effects of the number of presences on reliability and stability of MARS species distribution models: the importance of regional niche variation and ecological heterogeneity. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 908-922. Request PDF.
6.- Mateo, R.G., T.B. Croat, Á.M. Felicísimo, J. Muñoz. 2010. Profile or group discriminative techniques? Generating reliable species distribution models using pseudo-absences and target-group absences from natural history collections. Diversity and Distributions 16: 84-94. Request PDF.
5.- Morales, C. R.G. Mateo. 2010. Simethis Mattiazzi (Vandelli) G. López & C.E. Jarvis, nueva especie para la flora de Castilla-La Mancha (España). Acta Botanica Malacitana 35: 128-130. Request PDF.
4.- Sanz-Elorza, M., R.G. Mateo, F.G. Bernardo. 2009. The historical role of agriculture and gardening in the introduction of alien plants in the western Mediterranean. Plant Ecology 202: 247-256. Request PDF.
3.- Felicísimo, Á.M., A. Gómez-Muñoz, J. Muñoz, T. Delgado, R.G. Mateo. 2007. Impacto del cambio climático en la biodiversidad: el caso de Ecuador. Mapping 115: 73-76. Request PDF.
2.- González Mancebo, J.M., B. Albertos, A. Barrón, K. Cezón, R.M. Cros, I. Draper, B. Estébanez, R. Garilleti, T. Hallingbäck, R. Hernández Maqueda, F. Lara, A. Losada Lima, R.G. Mateo, V. Mazimpaka, J. Muñoz, R. Medina, N.G. Medina, J. Patiño, F. Puche, S. Rams, R.M. Ros Espín, E. Ruiz. 2007. Bryophytes collected by the Spanish Bryological Society during a field trip at La Gomera (Canary Islands). Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 30-31: 43-52.
1.- Mateo, R.G., S. Pajarón. 2004. Some plants of chorologyc interest in the Sierra de San Vicente area (Toledo, Spain). Botanica Complutensis 115: 79-83. Open Access.